In cable car systems, it is crucial to inspect, coordinate, verify, and supervise, with specialized and certified inspectors, the necessary actions to detail the condition and behavior of the electromechanical components of the systems required to ensure the provision of the service in optimal conditions.
At Sky Cable, we are experts in conducting various types of inspections to ensure quality and safety in the provision and installation of cable car services.
Inspection of Safety Equipment in Cable Car Systems
This involves ensuring the safe operation of the system, providing sufficient support to address any eventuality in the system and guaranteeing, in the worst-case scenario, a safe evacuation in the shortest possible time. Our services in this regard aim to conduct inspections on these components under normative parameters, either with personnel certified by an organization accredited by competent international authorities or directly in collaboration with an accredited organization under the same parameters. The inspections cover:
- Inspection of different types of brakes (electric brake, service brake, emergency brakes)
- Inspection of the tensioning system.
- Comprehensive inspection of electrical components.
- Analysis of lightning protection.
- Calibration control of load cells on each maneuver rail, verification of the coupling/uncoupling adjustments of the clamps to/from the cable, verification of speed synchronization between clamp and cabin during coupling/uncoupling, verification of the tightening of all clamps, and recalculation of limit values.
- Verification of the proper functioning of the emergency motor with all its controls and hydraulic components.
- Inspection of main motors and their power components.
- Inspection of pylons, verification of the alignment of rocker arms, condition of the linings, verification of wiring, and inspection of all installed electrical components.
- Verification of the electrical part, including the review of radii and cabin lighting.
- Inspection of the coupling.
- Alignment inspection of the main shaft.
- Verification of the line and its pylons.
Inspection of Specific Components in Cable Car Systems
Non-destructive testing is crucial for key components such as clamps, suspensions, flywheel bolts, and pulleys, as well as the main cables. Our team is qualified under the EN1297 standard in different methods, and for cable tests (MRT), we have technicians and equipment compliant with the EN12927 standard.
Annual Tests
According to European standards and regulations, every cable car for passenger transport must undergo routine inspections by an independent entity. The frequency of these inspections depends on various factors, such as the type of use. For urban transport cable cars with extended operating hours, the inspection time is typically one year.
Individual or Customized Inspections
Do you want to know if the main motor reducer is in good condition? If the lightning protection system is sufficient and operational? If emergency and rescue equipment is in good condition and complies with respective standards? We offer our clients individual inspections based on their needs. For any component, we have the necessary personnel and competencies to ensure the client receives an inspection with the expected quality, necessary independence, and regulatory compliance.